Staff workload survey

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Section 1

Consider how long you spent on the following activities other than teaching in your most recent full working week, including activities that took place during the weekends, evenings, or other out of classroom hours. Was the time spent on each activity too little, about right or too much when considering the impact it had on the pupil outcomes?
Individual planning or preperation of lessons either at school or out of school
Team work and dialogue with colleagues within this school
Marking/Correcting pupils work
Pupil counselling (including career guidance and virtual counselling)
Pupil supervision and tuition outside of timetabled lessons (including lunch supervision)
Pupil discipline including detention
Participation in school management
General administrative work (including communication, paperwork, work emails and other clerical duties)
Communication or cooperation with parents or guardians
Engaging in extracurricular activities (e.g. Sports and cultural activities after school)
Cover for absent colleagues within school's timetabled day
Appraising, monitoring, coaching, mentoring and training other staff
Contact with people or organisations outside of the school other than parents
Organising resources and premises, setting up displays, setting up/tidying classrooms
Timetabled tutor time and related activities (secondary only)
Staff meetings
School policy development and financial planning
Recording, inputting, monitoring and analysing data in relation to pupil performance and for other purposes
Planning, administering and reporting on pupil assessments
Other activities

Section 2

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your working hours?
I have an acceptable workload
Overall, I achieve a good balance between my work life and my private life

Section 3

To what extent do you agree with these statements about your well-being at school?
I am happy at work
Overall, I feel well at work
In the last 3 months I have come to work despite not feeling well enough to perform my duties
My organisation cares about my mental health
My organisation has a culture where employees are encouraged to speak up
When I ask my manager for support, they can give me what I need
I know who to go to for support with my well-being at work